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OS/ ERP-Agentursoftware

The agency ERP solution for profitable projects

Accurate budgeting is the key to managing a profitable project business. OS/ delivers the perfect solution with streamlined workflows.

Moritz von Schrötter - Managing Director, Parasol Island GmbH

Moritz von SchrötterManaging Director, Parasol Island GmbH

Moritz and more than 300 industry professionals trust their project controlling to OS/.

Vesper Milano S.r.l
Capture Media GmbH
Parasol Island GmbH
btf GmbH
btf GmbH
btf GmbH

& Controlling

With OS/ you can create complex project budgets in minutes. This allows you to rapidly prepare customer offers and generate reliable projections in your business forecast.

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Home OS/ Interface

& Reporting

Thanks to the unique OS/ "True Labor Cost" accounting, you receive detailed insights into the profitability of your projects during the budgeting process, enabling optimal decisions in real-time.

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OS/ Reporting


OS/ Benchmarks

Thanks to OS/, competition is no longer a black box. Discover how your salaries, service costs, daily rates and project margins compare to the industry, and use these insights to negotiate more successfully and offer better deals.

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OS/ ERP-Agentursoftware


profitability insights

OS/ ProjektrentabilitätOS/ Agentursoftware

Agency Work Management loves OS/

In der Agentur-Projektarbeit denken Teams in 'Stunden' und Manager in 'Geld'.

OS/ ist der Schlüssel, der beide Welten verbindet. Es integriert sich nahtlos in Deine Workmanagement-Software, sei es awork, Asana, Monday oder ClickUp, und verwandelt Arbeitszeit direkt in Geld.

So verstehen alle Beteiligten den Wert ihrer Arbeit, können ihre Projekte effizienter abwickeln und Du behältst stets die volle Kontrolle über Dein Budget.

OS/ Agentursoftware Expected™  Übersicht
OS/ Asana,, ClickUp Logos

Discover how OS/ can contribute to your agency's success!

Arrange a free consultation now or simply send us an e-mail:

We will keep you informed about relevant products and services. You can revoke your consent at any time. Details in the privacy policy.

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Die OS/ Agentursoftware ist GDPR, GoDB und TISAX konform DSGVO LogoGoBS Konform logo

OS/ is GDPR, GoDB and TISAX compliant

OS/ simplifies your accounting: GDPR, GoBD and TISAX compliant for efficient and strategic financial management. Focus on your core business while OS/ takes care of the rest.

Your data is always safe


Can I try OS/ for free?

Yes, of course! Simply arrange a short demo with one of our experts. We will provide you with a demo workspace to explore OS/.

What size company is OS/ for?

OS/ is suitable for businesses of any size. Our business plans offer enterprise quality even for small businesses, while our enterprise service offers individual service and support options for large companies, groups and networks.

Can I migrate the data from my current agency software?

Yes. We can transfer project data, timekeeping data, accounting and contact data from your current solution. Speak to one of our migration specialists to find out how the transition process can work for your business.

Does OS/ comply with data protection regulations?

OS/ is GDPR, GoDB and TISAX compliant .The platform is certified by an independent data protection auditor.

Is OS/ compatible with my accounting software?

OS/ connects to your accounting solution via modern APIs and automatically transfers all document data, including metadata, to the 3rd-party system. It couldn't be easier.

How long does onboarding take?

Depending on the size of the company, onboarding takes from a few days to a few weeks. For smooth onboarding, we offer a range of workshops and hands-on instructional packages. Support is available for your team at any time via OS/ Chat and OS/ University.