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OS/ ERP-AgentursoftwareOS/

Project Controlling

Streamlined project controlling for accurate real-time performance insights

High-quality data in project management means solid company figures

OS/ Projektübersicht

OS/ provides the tools you need to effortlessly generate accurate company figures at any time. When the key figures are correct for every project and every request, your business's balance sheet and forecast are always reliable.

Key project controlling features at a glance

Maintain full
cost control

The OS/ Expected ™️ logic makes project controlling child's play. With OS/ you never lose sight of your project costs. You can see immediately when a project deviates from expected costs and can make timely corrections and decisions before it's too late.

Übersicht Controlling - Kostenkontrolle
Controlling Übersicht - Budget-Controller

The graphical budget controller

With the budget controller, you can easily compare your budget against your revenue and costs. This allows you to rapidly identify problems in your project's performance.

Real cost control

Simply counting hours is insufficient: Employees incur different costs. OS/ monitors both actual labor costs and working hours, so you always have an eye on the exact profitability of your projects.

Controlling Übersicht - Arbeitskosten
OS/ interface

Supplier costs
in real time

OS/'s straightforward accounting workflows ensure that your vendor costs are immediately visible in the project, so you always remain in control. More about the OS/end-to-end receipt workflow.

The Business Performance Report

With OS/ you gain dynamic insights into key figures for customers, cost centers and project management. The Business Performance Report provides clear insights into your business direction. No matter your role, OS/ enables you to anticipate trends and act strategically so you can run your business with precision and confidence.

OS/ Projektauswertung in konsolidierter Form

Consolidated project evaluation

When performance is only meaningful across a group of projects, you can easily perform aggregate evaluations in OS/. Simply select the relevant retainers or consecutive projects and the graphical budget controller will provide a visualization with consolidated insights.


How do I record costs from suppliers in OS/?

You can enter supplier costs as receipts or automatically transfer them via an integration such as Pleo.

My projects are so individualized; how can I control them with OS/ in a unified manner?

OS/ gives you a precise and simple overview of the key figures and basic data of your project at any time. This allows you to keep track of many highly individualized projects and always have excellent figures at hand.

What if we don't do time tracking?

OS/ gives you a precise view of your company's profitability even without timekeeping data.

How does OS/ determine the costs for “permanent freelancers”?

The costs for “permanent freelancers” are recorded in OS/ as labor costs, excluding non-wage costs.

What does "Expected" mean in OS/?

In OS/, profitability calculations are formulated based on your project budgets for costs and revenue. As soon as the project is no longer running “as expected”, the variance is immediately flagged in the project overview.

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Book your OS/Expert appointment now. Our experts will give you a personal overview of relevant functions, answer all your questions and set up an individual test account for your business.

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