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OS/ ERP-AgentursoftwareOS/

Customer Satisfaction

OS/ gives project stakeholders a voice

Make feedback an integral part of your projects' success

OS/ interface

Conduct targeted customer satisfaction surveys with customers via email, team members and suppliers after project completion. Use this opportunity to collect valuable qualitative feedback that will help you continuously improve your processes and increase the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

Automated project evaluations at a glance

Dynamic survey composition

OS/ provides a flexible survey model with a variety of options for structured and unstructured input, enabling managers to customize evaluations for different stakeholder groups.
This adaptability allows you to address the specific requirements of each project and client to collect valuable quality metrics and feedback.

Übersicht Kundenzufriedenheit - Fragemodell
Übersicht Kundenzufriedenheit - Mehrsprachigkeit

Multilingual capabilities

OS/ enables you to translate your surveys into the languages ​​of your customers and thus address project participants in their own language.
This personal touch drives engagement and ensures more accurate, meaningful feedback.

Link quality metrics to your bonus model

Seamlessly integrate the results of project surveys into the OS/ project bonus system to make quality a central evaluation criterion.
This link allows you to recognize and reward outstanding performance by incorporating direct feedback from surveys into the evaluation and incentives of your team.

Übersicht Kundenzufriedenheit - Bonussystem
Übersicht Kundenzufriedenheit - Benchmarks & Reports

Benchmarks & Reports

With OS/ you can assess the quality of your projects against industry benchmarks for a clear perspective on your position compared to the competition. Keep a constant eye on the development of your project quality and use these insights to make continuous improvements and expand your competitive advantage.

We will be happy to advise you on a personal product tour

Book your OS/Expert appointment now. Our experts will give you a personal overview of relevant functions, answer all your questions and set up an individual test account for your business.


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