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Project accounting made easy with OS/.

OS/ Projektabrechnung Übersicht

OS/ optimizes your accounting data for DATEV companies seamlessly online, transfers it automatically via DATEV API or as a DATEV XML archive for manual dispatch. Save valuable time and see meaningful results faster, whichever way you choose.

ZUGFerdX Rechnung

Du erkennst sofort ausstehende und geplante Rechnungen und vereinfachst, auch bei komplexen Projekten, die Finanzplanung. Konzentriere Dich auf Dein Kerngeschäft – OS/ kümmert sich um die Finanzdetails.

project accounting

“Easy Project Billing with OS/ means you can leave the paperwork and complexity behind. Our system makes billing your projects a breeze: with just a few clicks, all the data is captured and you can focus on what really matters - making your project a success. Efficiency, clarity and control over your project accounting, without any headaches.

Einfache Projektabrechnung Übersicht
OS/ Rechnungsstellung


Whether it's down payments, partial final invoices or item-related invoices - with OS/ you can master any of these challenges effortlessly.

Directly into your DATEV

With the OS/AirBoards, you can actively involve the entire company and especially employees at different locations in your projects.
These innovative tools turn exciting insights and moments from your day-to-day project work into interesting content for your company's feed.
The OS/AirBoards promote exchange and a sense of community throughout the company by keeping everyone up to date and encouraging participation.

OS/ Buchhaltung

We will be happy to advise you on a personal product tour

Book your OS/Expert appointment now. Our experts will give you a personal overview of relevant functions, answer all your questions and set up an individual test account for your business.

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